2006-03-24 15:10:25 UTC
Is there a way to search the whole buffer while I type, like Firefox's
"find" command?
As it is now, C-s only searches the text after the point, and C-r
searches the text before the point. I think it would be more convenient
for me if C-s searched the whole text, without forcing me to press C-s
again to overwrap the search. Does anyone know of a function that would
accomplish this? Or maybe there's a variable I can change to get the
desired behavior? I'm using XEmacs 21.4.13 on Win32.
Thanks for any help!
"find" command?
As it is now, C-s only searches the text after the point, and C-r
searches the text before the point. I think it would be more convenient
for me if C-s searched the whole text, without forcing me to press C-s
again to overwrap the search. Does anyone know of a function that would
accomplish this? Or maybe there's a variable I can change to get the
desired behavior? I'm using XEmacs 21.4.13 on Win32.
Thanks for any help!