Chris Poole
2008-06-03 12:20:05 UTC
I used to have everything in one .emacs file.
Now I've split it up into various files for different systems (I use
Mac OS X and GNU/Linux).
This is my .emacs file:
;; Check to see if running on Mac OS X or some GNU/Linux distro
(defvar macosx-p (string-match "darwin" (symbol-name system-type)))
(defvar linux-p (string-match "gnu/linux" (symbol-name system-type)))
;; Load stuff for GNU/Linux systems only
(when linux-p
(setq load-path (append load-path (list "~/emacs/lisp/linux"))))
;; Load stuff for Mac OS X only
(when macosx-p
(setq load-path (append load-path (list "~/emacs/lisp/macosx"))))
;; Load OS-independant stuff
(setq load-path (append load-path (list "~/emacs/lisp/generic")))
;; Load extra major modes (to top of load-path so loads first)
(setq load-path (cons "~/emacs/lisp/generic/org" load-path))
Inside ~/emacs/lisp/generic, I have all my settings in my-custom-
generic.el. (Not byte-compiled yet.) I also have several other files.
None of them load. Similar situation with the macosx directory, etc.
The final loading of org-mode does load though, replacing the version
that came with Emacs.
I can't see what I'm doing wrong -- can anyone tell me my stupid
Now I've split it up into various files for different systems (I use
Mac OS X and GNU/Linux).
This is my .emacs file:
;; Check to see if running on Mac OS X or some GNU/Linux distro
(defvar macosx-p (string-match "darwin" (symbol-name system-type)))
(defvar linux-p (string-match "gnu/linux" (symbol-name system-type)))
;; Load stuff for GNU/Linux systems only
(when linux-p
(setq load-path (append load-path (list "~/emacs/lisp/linux"))))
;; Load stuff for Mac OS X only
(when macosx-p
(setq load-path (append load-path (list "~/emacs/lisp/macosx"))))
;; Load OS-independant stuff
(setq load-path (append load-path (list "~/emacs/lisp/generic")))
;; Load extra major modes (to top of load-path so loads first)
(setq load-path (cons "~/emacs/lisp/generic/org" load-path))
Inside ~/emacs/lisp/generic, I have all my settings in my-custom-
generic.el. (Not byte-compiled yet.) I also have several other files.
None of them load. Similar situation with the macosx directory, etc.
The final loading of org-mode does load though, replacing the version
that came with Emacs.
I can't see what I'm doing wrong -- can anyone tell me my stupid