Velásquez, Constantin
2008-05-21 16:33:29 UTC
Hi, now that I updated to emacs 22.2 I can't work with paths which
contain symbols like 'á', for example, when, in dired, I try to update
"~/Matemáticas/" an error message appears in the minibuffer saying
that it can't find "~/Matem\201áticas". Nothing appears in *Messages*
and I just don't know what could be, it used to work fine and now the
only problem is that, not input or anything else. Any help?
contain symbols like 'á', for example, when, in dired, I try to update
"~/Matemáticas/" an error message appears in the minibuffer saying
that it can't find "~/Matem\201áticas". Nothing appears in *Messages*
and I just don't know what could be, it used to work fine and now the
only problem is that, not input or anything else. Any help?