Fatal error (11). Emacs/ Linux hosed my very long document.
(too old to reply)
Mike Cox
2004-09-17 21:09:13 UTC
["Followup-To:" header set to comp.os.linux.advocacy.]
Much to my dismay, as I was working on my very long review (about 100
pages typed), xemacs core dumped on me. I was unable to recover
anything. I didn't save my document because I never expected emacs to
What, no autosave?
Even my 1993 era SunOS copy of emacs managed to this. This was
very handy since I was connecting to the university network via an
unreliable 2400bps connection at the time.
The bug ate my autosave apparently.
Liar. You troll because you love it.
I'm not a troll. I'm an end-user who is having problems with Linux. I
already stated that Mozilla is better than IE 6.0. Tabbed browsing and a
pop-up blocker are something I can't live without. I don't use IE at all

That doesn't mean that all GPL/OSS works. You should take my problems as
constructive criticisizm. Most people would use Linux, find something
broken, and switch right back to Windows without saying a word. Microsoft
and most commercial vendors take customer comments and feature requests
seriously. Microsoft's #1 priority is security thanks to customer demand.
Linux advocates like to battle end-users by saying that thier problems don't
exist or that they are stupid.

The notable exception to this is Alexander Popov, who is extremely nice and
helpful. He has offered to help me get my mouse working under linux. I am
at this moment collecting all the information about my linux machine,
including XFConfig file to email him. I must say that because of Alexander,
my view of the Linux community has improved greatly.

And how is my post a troll? GNU/Linux failed on me. I switched to emacs
after the slashdot article, and comments on cola about MS Words "Disk Full"
bug, and how MS was unable to find it for years. Everyone was saying that
emacs had as much functionality as Word, and it worked flawlessly. Well I
used xemacs for about 5 hours and it crashed. Word has yet to crash on me.
2004-09-18 02:28:56 UTC
Post by Mike Cox
["Followup-To:" header set to comp.os.linux.advocacy.]
Much to my dismay, as I was working on my very long review (about 100
pages typed), xemacs core dumped on me. I was unable to recover
anything. I didn't save my document because I never expected emacs to
What, no autosave?
Even my 1993 era SunOS copy of emacs managed to this. This was
very handy since I was connecting to the university network via an
unreliable 2400bps connection at the time.
The bug ate my autosave apparently.
Liar. You troll because you love it.
I'm not a troll.
Sure. And the sun never sets.
Post by Mike Cox
I'm an end-user who is having problems with Linux.
No, you are wintroll using Outhouse Distress. A pretty sad app.
The Golden Years Sux.
David Kastrup
2004-09-18 06:34:00 UTC
Post by Mike Cox
That doesn't mean that all GPL/OSS works. You should take my
problems as constructive criticisizm. Most people would use Linux,
find something broken, and switch right back to Windows without
saying a word. Microsoft and most commercial vendors take customer
comments and feature requests seriously.
First you have to have a (very expensive) account with them, then they
take you seriously.
Post by Mike Cox
Microsoft's #1 priority is security thanks to customer demand.
Which is due thanks to their crappy security.
Post by Mike Cox
And how is my post a troll? GNU/Linux failed on me. I switched to
emacs after the slashdot article, and comments on cola about MS
Words "Disk Full" bug, and how MS was unable to find it for years.
Everyone was saying that emacs had as much functionality as Word,
What a bunch of crap. Emacs is a text editor, Word is a word
processing system. They are completely different beasts.
Post by Mike Cox
and it worked flawlessly. Well I used xemacs for about 5 hours and
it crashed.
You typed a 100-page document (that is supposed to be a review) in
about 5 hours? Congratulations. That's 20 pages of material per
hour, on a continuing base.

Perhaps you should try typing slower; maybe you frightened XEmacs.
David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
Miroslaw Stankovich
2004-09-18 12:50:25 UTC
Post by Mike Cox
["Followup-To:" header set to comp.os.linux.advocacy.]
Much to my dismay, as I was working on my very long review (about 100
pages typed), xemacs core dumped on me. I was unable to recover
anything. I didn't save my document because I never expected emacs to
What, no autosave?
Even my 1993 era SunOS copy of emacs managed to this. This was
very handy since I was connecting to the university network via an
unreliable 2400bps connection at the time.
The bug ate my autosave apparently.
What Version of XEmacs were you _using_? The only ones ever crashing on
my box were _self-compiled_. I had crashes with Gnus /news/mail-reader
but that was the fault of Gnus. Distro-rolled Xemacs _never_ crashed on
me editing a text-file.

Yours is truly a sad story :-/
Post by Mike Cox
Liar. You troll because you love it.
I'm not a troll. I'm an end-user who is having problems with Linux. I
already stated that Mozilla is better than IE 6.0. Tabbed browsing and a
pop-up blocker are something I can't live without. I don't use IE at all
That doesn't mean that all GPL/OSS works. You should take my problems as
constructive criticisizm. Most people would use Linux, find something
broken, and switch right back to Windows without saying a word. Microsoft
and most commercial vendors take customer comments and feature requests
seriously. Microsoft's #1 priority is security thanks to customer demand.
Linux advocates like to battle end-users by saying that thier problems don't
exist or that they are stupid.
The notable exception to this is Alexander Popov, who is extremely nice and
helpful. He has offered to help me get my mouse working under linux. I am
at this moment collecting all the information about my linux machine,
including XFConfig file to email him. I must say that because of Alexander,
my view of the Linux community has improved greatly.
And how is my post a troll? GNU/Linux failed on me. I switched to emacs
after the slashdot article, and comments on cola about MS Words "Disk Full"
bug, and how MS was unable to find it for years. Everyone was saying that
emacs had as much functionality as Word, and it worked flawlessly. Well I
used xemacs for about 5 hours and it crashed. Word has yet to crash on me.
[1] But Gnus is well known as a tool for finding bugs in (X)Emacs. :-)
2004-11-21 14:11:53 UTC
I have the same problem,waiting for the solution...
